

5 Signs of Screen Overload — and How to Handle Them

Gymnasts know that there’s a fraction of an inch between a flawless routine — and total disaster. Parents, too, know that managing screen time can be a balancing act. Sure, movies, games, television, and online activities can be lifesavers when you’re juggling caregiving, homeschooling, and working. But even when you’re on your game — choosing high-quality, age-appropriate content, getting outside, talking to kids about their games and shows — your kid can have a complete meltdown after three (or was

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Could My Child Be Addicted to Video Games?

The word “addiction” gets used a lot to describe a certain kind of focused attention on entertainment and technology. We say we’re “addicted” to checking our email or “addicted” to watching our favorite show. But research shows that 8- to 18-year-olds also turn to video games and other forms of technology to stay connected with family and friends. If you have concerns about your kid’s behavior, you may want to talk with a pediatrician about whether game addiction or another

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Screen Time in the Age of the Coronavirus

Parents and caregivers tend to think of guidelines for screen use as a daily maximum amount of time that’s OK. But if you look closely at popular recommendations, such as the ones from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the message—even before the coronavirus pandemic—is much more nuanced, and much less focused on time. For a while now, media researchers have been advocating for a shift from evaluating quantity of screen time to quality of content. If kids are engaged with

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Why Watching TV and Movies Is Better Together

Research shows that watching TV and movies with your kids, also called “co-viewing,” has a range of positive effects. It can support early literacy skills, boost empathy, and even help manage aggression after exposure to violent media. So how do you actually co-view and reap those benefits? Try these tips with young kids: Focus their attention. Help kids pick up story details by verbally pointing out specific parts of what you’re watching, whether it’s a strange new word, a confusing

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Back-to-School Reset: 4 Tips on Managing Devices and Screen Time for Families

It’s that time of year again — kids are heading back to school! For lots of reasons, family routines can get disrupted during the summer, from morning routines and bedtimes to TV and video game limits. Now’s a great time to check in as a family on expectations related to technology and entertainment. The tips and resources here can help you reset rules for screen time, have conversations about using tech in safe and healthy ways, and ease your kids’

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